Home Business Best Quality feed with Bale Silage

Best Quality feed with Bale Silage

by Grace Kisembo

The use of bale silage is an indispensable part of modern feed distribution. Each bale forms a small unit that can be fed to the animals in a quick and simple fashion. Especially in warmer countries bales of silage are an excellent choice as they keep the quality of the feed exceptionally high by protecting it against secondary fermentation or post-heating after the feed was pressed into bales.

Other benefits that speak for themselves:

  • Simple and cost-efficient storage of the bales
  • Easy and economic transport of the bales
  • Straightforward production of mixed feed (TMR)

Numerous factors have to be taken into account in order to achieve premium silage quality. Chief among these factors is, aside from a quick exclusion of air and a clean production process, a high degree of feed compression. The GÖWEIL baler-wrapper combinations LT-Master and VARIO-Master have been especially designed to fulfill these requirements.

These machines can turn almost any chopped material into perfectly pressed and wrapped round bales. Common used materials are maize, corn, hemp and CCM. Immediately after the compressing process the bale is wrapped airtight.

The LT-Master works with a fixed and the VARIO-Master with a variable bale chamber. The bale-size is selectable between 0.60 and 1.4 meters, depending if you use LT-Master or VARIO-Master.

GÖWEIL’s machines have become a popular choice to press even more finely chopped materials, such as alfalfa, grain, sugar beet cossettes and even garbage or wood chips into round bales.

For more information visit the website:  www.goeweil.com

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