The Urban Agriculture Initiative team at the AGRF Summit 2022 in Rwanda have organized an event to address the growing value of urban food systems.
Organisers of the event said the seminar slated for the beginning of September will zoom on the importance of inclusive climate smart-farming, and the criticality of being market facing when pursuing any type of ‘farming as a business’ initiative.
The event will be held under the banner: ‘Urban Agriculture Initiative – Hydroponic Farming, Inclusive Job Creation, Food Security and a New Type of Climate Smart Farming’ is organized in partnership with the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) and the Africa Business Group (ABG).
In addition organisers said the event will convene agribusiness program developers, African economic development specialists, hydroponic farm constructions specialists, and hydroponic farming practitioners in an interactive panel to discuss an innovative demand-driven cluster urban agriculture farming system that leverages tried and true out-grower farming methodologies, agribusiness accelerator practices, modern hydroponic farming technologies, supplier development and off-take linkages involving a variety of types of buyers to create a demand-driven business model to attract women and youth to urban agriculture.
Urban Agriculture Initiative believes that in this era of rapid population growth in Africa, accelerating urbanization, climate change and water scarcity, and a rising youth labour force of which more than half are women is key.