Home Crops Hybrids seeds answer to food shortages

Hybrids seeds answer to food shortages

by Grace Kisembo

Adaptable seeds are fast becoming an answer to food shortage that most nations continue to reel under.

According to the UN farmers have to produce 70 percent more food by 2050 to feed the global population.

To meet this startling prediction, scientific and accurate breeding programmes are being executed to create more adaptable F1 hybrid seeds. These seeds will generate productive harvests to sustain global needs.

“Heat, disease, moisture and drought resistance, or tolerant seeds produced and supplied by Taiwan companies are well-known worldwide,”

explains Ms Sabine Liu, the general manager of UBM Taiwan.

Among various seed options produced by Taiwan companies, broccolis, cauliflowers, cherry tomatoes, watermelons, pumpkins, kidney beans, peas, aubergines, sweet peppers and graft passion fruit seedlings are the most traded items, statistics show, she says.

“The seed pavilion at Asia Agri-Tech Expo will showcase many of these high-quality seeds produced by Besgrow Seed, Ching Long Seed, Agronew Trading, Taiwan Banana Research Institute, Known-You Seed, Sing-Flow Seed Trading and many more.”

Supported by Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA), the second edition of Asia Agri-Tech Expo & Forum will be held at Taipei World Trade Center from July 26 to28, 2018.

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