It’s been a tough time for east Africa.
And not only does Canada care but we are also there to help.
In fact, Immigration Minister Ahmed D. Hussen himself was on hand to support a special announcement Saturday by the International Development Relief Foundation, Global Medic and the Canadian Somali Congress.
“For three years, drought conditions have devastated crops and livestock in the East African region, resulting in nearly 20 million people in Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia facing starvation, and approximately 600,000 children under five at imminent risk of extreme malnutrition,” Toronto paramedic Rahul Singh, Global Medic’s executive director, said in a statement released Saturday.
“This massive hunger crisis is compounded by a lack of safe drinking water, which has resulted in widespread waterborne illness across the country,” he added.
Well these organizations have put together Family Emergency Kits to support those in need in Somalia.
And with Somali-born Hussen, they were packing them up and getting them ready to go.
“What you are seeing here is Canadians’ generosity and Canadians’ ability to step up,” said Hussen. “Our government has committed $119-million toward the worst affected countries.”
The Family Emergency Kits include “essential ready-to-use supplementary food, oral rehydration sachets, hygiene items, Lucky Iron Fish to provide dietary supplementation of iron, and a Rainfresh Household Water Purification Unit that will provide a family with safe drinking water for an entire year.
Once the kits are prepared, they will be delivered to families in Somalia threatened by famine.
The Trudeau government has also “pledged to match all funds raised for famine relief in East Africa until June 30.”
Hussen said “these packs contain elements that are vital to people’s survival.”
The relief packages will be sent to the region immediately.